Online Reading Ancient Gods & Aliens
⚡️Book Title : Ancient Gods & Aliens
⚡Book Author : Saurabh Shelar
⚡Page : 156 pages
⚡Published October 5th 2018 by Amazon
Ancient Gods & Aliens
What is the concept of your God? Does God means to you is some ET* or ED* being which fulfill your wish or God for you is omnipotent, omnipresent and is the creator, handler & destroyer of everything? These questions are very important because in todays world, most of the people are worshipping different beings as Gods when they are actually not God but different beings than human which can be ET or ED. Many Gods in many religions are nothing but the beings from another territory or dimension. Thats the reality that everyone need to understand. We are always in search of things outside of ours and thats why worshiping or finding God outside came into existence. But its important to know that do we really worship Supreme God or beings from different systems as God & then what is Devotion and how it works? This is the detailed researched knowledge based on Vedas, Puranas & ancient books on Ancient Aliens & Gods.